
I'm a programming language junkie with a passion for software, technology, entrepreneurship, bitcoin, people and relationships. I love learning about others and what makes them tick. If you're ever in Lincoln, Nebraska, look me up and let's grab a drink.
I'm a strong advocate of the open source software (OSS) philosophy. I write a lot of open source code on Github and lately have found Node.js, AngularJS, and Go to be fun.
Single Motivating Purpose
I'm extremely purpose driven and constantly think about how I can help others and how I can serve the world. I feel that my purpose is not to serve myself, but to serve humanity by writing software and building businesses so that I can reduce suffering in others. This could be via the software or businesses themselves, or more nobly: through money, time, or fellowship.
I generally believe:
- everyone has good inside of them, therefore we should give most the benefit of the doubt
- everyone has some form of suffering, lending a helping hand or an open ear can bring someone joy
- every experience should be maximized to its full potential
- compassion and tolerance for our fellow human being must be a priority to us in order for us to be fully happy
- material possessions cloud our happiness, therefore we should reduce our material wants
- help others succeed and get what they want, and you'll find that you'll move faster on the path to your success
- we should seek to build up and create instead of tear down and destroy
- honesty above all us, the truth really will set you free
If you share any of these thoughts, feel free to reach out to me: jprichardson@gmail.com
What's procbits?
Well, codebits.com was taken, funcbits.com sounded like it would be difficult to relay via speech, and I just had to have "bits" at the end of the domain name. I don't really remember where "proc" came from... maybe procedural?
Social Presence on the Web
Other Presence / New & Old Projects
- Reflect7 is a company I cofounded with two other people. Our mobile sports apps were downloaded over 100K+ times in a span of 1.5 years. We were acquired in 2011. I am no longer affiliated with the company.
- Gitpilot is a company I cofounded with one other person. Our Git user interface aimed to make collaboration with others stupidly simple. We closed down at the end of 2012 due to lack of traction.
- Loudjet is another blog that I write. It focuses on entrepreneurship and self-improvement. Most of the posts I originally wrote on Techneur and migrated them over.
- Log Me Up solves the problem of you having to log into your server to view logs. Just open your web browser and view your logs from any of your servers in real-time.
- string.js is a JavaScript string library that includes a lot of methods that JavaScript left out.
- Sky is a static website generator. This site is built with it.
- datafun is a collection of math and statistic tools to help perform calculations on text files.
- fs-extra adds additional methods to the Node.js
library. It's my most popular Node.js module.